And from time to time they can break my firewall, good thing I have HA in place otherwise my network would be down… I think that this issue is with the newer version of the firmware 7.1.1
Exactly the same issue, how they bypass the domain i don't know…I've changed the domain a bunch of times to see if they would be able to pick it, and they picked it all the times. Changing the port is an option, but…its easy to get the new open port.
Ah, you're using SMA, I'm using a TZ, I don't know if I will have the same options as you do. @mwatson536 you can send me a message with the configuration?
Hello gentlemen, it just started like 2 weeks ago for me... Enabled MFA Enabled lock IP forever after 3 tries Disabled the virtual portal for the outside But even then they still trying... I even changed the domain to see if it would help...nope it looks like theres some way to bypass that?
Thank you for letting me know
That did the trick, thank you very much.
Here? I'll be honest...that never crossed my mind...
I have it disabled. The info on the "Enable HTTPS Content Filter" says: "HTTPS Content Filtering HTTPS content filtering is IP based, and will not inspect the URL. While HTTP content filtering can perform redirects to enforce authentication or provide a block page, HTTPS filtered pages will be silently blocked." My guess…
It does work from outside. Like I said, it doesn't work when i have CFS configured with "Scan HTTPS" enabled. As soon as I turn it off it works ok.
Forgot to mention that I've looked into the logs and also Packet capture, with no luck...
@MustafaA ignore my last comment, I just used my head. And it is not working because It is not translating the SSL subnet to the WAN IP, because of the "original/original". And most likely that's why It works when I turn the NAT rule that i've created, because it translates the SSL IPs to the WAN.
It looks like it can't use the default NAT policy route. might be because the priority is at 62 (It is the last policy on my NAT rules) _____________________________________ Default NAT Policy_2 Any Any Any Any Any Original Original Original
Without the NAT rule, the packet is only "Generated", I don't get any dropped packets. I need to enable the NAT rule to start getting "Consumed" packets.
Thank you @MitatOnge.
Hello, that was what I just did. And it looks like it is working now. Also, MitatOnge, do you think that it is worth it to have GAV also scanning outbound connections?